Ai: harmony.
Aite: partner, uke.
Aiki: harmonize with the ki.
Aikido: the Way of Harmony with the Universe (energy).
Aikidoka: the practitioner of aikido.
Aikijutsu: martial techniques applying the principle of aiki.
Aikikai: Aikido organization founded to spread the art.
Aikishugyosha: the austere aiki practitioner.
Arigato: thank you.
Asagohan: breakfast.
Ashi: leg.
Ashita wa: tomorrow.
Ame: rain.
Atagusan: the name of the sacred mountain of Iwama.
Atama: Head.
Awase: harmonize with ... The real secret of aikido.
Baka: silly, stupid.
Bangohan: dinner.
Barai: sweep.
Benchi: bench.
Benjo: WC
Bokken: wooden sword used in the practice of aikido and other martial arts in Portugal.
Budo: the way of war. For the founder Budo was more the way of war to destroy all the evil that exists in
each of us purifying thus our bodies and spirits. This could be done only with a stern and rigorous practice of aikido.Bushido: the way of the warrior.
Chi: land.
Choku: direct.
Dan: level.
Dame: poorly done.
Deshi: disciple.
Do(dô): the road.
Dogi: tracksuit used to study the way. Same as keiko-gi or aikido-gi.
Dojo: any place where a training pathway is practiced.
Dojo Cho: head of the dojo. Saito Sensei's Dojo Dojo Cho of Ibarakai, and Tristan da Cunha is the Dojo Cho of Portugal Aiki-Shuren Dojo.
Domo: informal way to thank.
Domo arigato gozai mashita: very formal thank you.
Doshu: Leader of the Way, title of the Aikikai leader. In the Aikikai, the first Doshu was the founder the second, Nidai Doshu, was his son Kisshomaru Ueshiba and the third is Moriteru Ueshiba.
Dozo: Please
Eri: collar
Fukin: cloth to clean the dishes, type of cloth napkins for the table (Daibukin: main rag to clean the table; zookin: cloth to clean the floors or clean the feet)
Furoshiki: large cloth used to carry belongings
Futatsu: two units, twice.
Futon: type of quilt.
Furikaburu: to rise above (Sensei says when we practice the second and third suburi)
Gaeshi: to turn back
Gedan: low
Geri: Kick when you say maegeri. If you say just geri it means diaherria.
Giri: Obligations, duties to be fulfilled as a matter of honor; happogiri, to cut in eight directions
Gohan: rice, meal, ....
Gomenasai: sorry
Gyaku: not, reverse.
Gyaku yokomen Uchi: cut the opposite side of the head.
Hai: yes.
Hachi: 8
Hachi no ji: ideogram with the figure 8
Hajime: Begin.
Hakama: baggy pants that are commonly used in aikido from shodan.
Hana: flower.
Hanmi: Half of the body, triangular position. Typical position of aikido. This position helps protect the body, and allows the body to move fast as possible out of the line of attack.
Hashi: chopsticks; bridge
Hidari: Left.
Hiji: elbow.
Hirugohan: lunch.
Hitoemi: make the body small, one-line-body
Hiza: Knee.
Honbu dojo: the center of all dojos.
Iie: no.
Ikkyo: the first principle. One of the most important techniques of aikido. "With respect to Ikkyo, you need a life!" said the founder.
Itadakimasu: let’s eat, expression of gratitude before beginning to eat; from itadaku: to receive.
Itai: pain.
Itai desu: is hurting.
Jinja: temple. Aiki Jinja, the temple built by the founder of aikido and whose guardian was Morihiro Saito Sensei and then Hitohira Saito.
Jiyu waza: free practice of techniques. It can be against one or more uke that can attack in any way, and the tori performs various techniques.
Jo: wooden stick used in the practice of various martial arts and also in aikido (aikijo).
Jo dori: to grab/take away the jo, a defense against attacks with the jo used in aikido.
Kaeshi waza: counter-techniques. Traditionally taught to teachers only.
Kaiso: the founder, O’Sensei.
Kamae: guard position.
Kami: God (s).
Kanpai: cheers, "health", a form of toast.
Kansetsu waza: techniques applied to the joints.
Kata: shoulder.
Kata: form. Series of movements arranged to study various techniques. Can be performed individually, as in aikijo or in pairs, as in aikitaijutsu.
Katame waza: immobilization techniques.
Katana: Japanese sword.
Keiko: training.
Ken: same as bokken: wooden sword used in the practice of aikido.
Keri waza: kicking techniques.
Ki: life energy present in everything, mind, spirit, ...
Kiai: cry full of energy that connects all parts of the body and soul, used in martial arts to intimidate the opponent, inanimate it, momentarily paralyze or kill him. It is also used to heal and pray.
Kime: the tension that arises naturally when one makes a movement with a strong spirit. When you practice the cuts with the ken or tsuki with the jo, if the move is done right, the weapon vibrates at the end, due to kime.
Ki musubi no tachi: a kumitachi aikido in which practitioners are using the ken, link their ki in a joint exercise.
Ki no Nagare: flow of energy. Advanced form of aikido techniques.
Kiotsukete: be careful.
Kokyu: breath. Through Kokyu we maneuver and send send ki. Also we maneuvered the opponent's ki.
Kokyu nage: throw an opponent using breath.
Konban wa: Good afternoon
Konnichi wa: Compliance during the day.
Kotodama: practice based on the belief that the sounds have the power to affect physical reality. The founder was an avid practitioner of this art.
Kuden: oral teachings. This term is specifically used by Saito Sensei to specify certain points or secrets of executing techniques. There are kuden of O’Sensei for each technique.
Kumijo: advanced exercises with the jo, done in pairs. These exercises have been encoded by Saito Sensei.
Kyu: class, grade, graduate below dan.
Maai: harmony of space. Distance between practitioners.
Mae: in front
Machi: city
Makura: pillow
Mawaru: round
Me: eye
Men: face; shoumen, the front; the dojo shoumen is the kamidana
Michi: way
Migi: Right.
Mimi: ear
Misogi: purification. The practice of Aikido is purification for the body and the soul.
Morote dori: grab uke's wrist with both hands.
Mokuroku: scroll used to transmit the techniques in martial arts
Mune: chest
Nage: the one who throws, Tori.
Nagare: fluid, flowing.
Nidan waza: study of situations where they apply both techniques uke: start with ikkyo but the opponent resists and takes advantage of the new force to another technique. Some call Renraku waza (communication skills).
Obi: Belt.
Ocha: tea.
Ohaiôgozaimasu: Good morning.
Oiishi: delicious.
Okusama: his wife (polite way of referring to the wife of Sensei).
Onegaishimasu: expression of politeness; request; desire.
Omote waza: techniques applied to the front of the opponent.
Osae waza: control techniques, such as ikkyo (ude osae - control arm).
O’Sensei: The Grand Master. Term used to refer to the Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba.
Ôsôji: the big cleaning.
Owari: finish! (The teacher say at the end of classes)
Oyasuminasai: Good night (to say good-bye at night or before resting).
Rasen: spiral
Rei: greeting bow, expression of gratitude.
Reigi: label.
Renshu: to study, to learn by repeating. Budo Renshu (Studying Budo) was title of the first book of the Founder.
Renzoku: continuous.
Renzoku uchi komi: movement used in aiki ken suburi number 5, where the student continually cuts now with one foot in front, then with another, always protecting the body as he moves.
Riai: the relation between the practice of ken, jo and taijutsu.
Rokkyo: sixth principle; kansetsu waza technique.
Ryo: both.
Ryote dori: grab both hands.
Ryu: school, style or tradition.
Sankaku: triangle
Satori: enlightenment, spiritual awakening, realization. Through training, Shuren, the shugyosha should reach satori.
Seiza: sitting on your knees; traditional Japanese way of seating.
Senpai: senior. Etiquette: When talking to someone senior, especially yudansha, and if there are other senpai present, it must use the proper name and then the word senpai. If there are no other senpai present, just refer to the senior as senpai without mentioning his name.
Sensei: teacher.
Shidoin: instructor, title given to teachers with 4 th and 5 th Dan, adviser
Shihan: master Instructor.
Shikko: displacement on the knees used in aikido. The practice gives an enormous stability.
Shitsureishimasu: Sorry for this lack of etiquette; bad behavior.
Shizuka ni: quiet, calm; ukemi without noisy projection.
Shodan: first level.
Shuuren: austere. Aiki Shuren Dojo, the school of austere practice (mental, physical and spiritual).
Sode: manga.
Sode dori: grab the sleeve.
Soke: the successor of a martial tradition; originator; head of family.
Subarashii: spectacular.
Suburi: individual practice with the ken or jo (in the case of aikido). There are several basic moves that should be practiced as suburi, if we want to achieve mastery of the art.
Suki: opening the mind, spirit or the body of the opponent. A weak opponent will have many openings and the person who studies a lot will find them immediately. The more you practice less openings you will have. The training aims to close the openings of the spirit, mind and body.
Sumimasen: sorry
Sumimasen deshita: sorry (very formal)
Tachi: old name given to the saber. Hence, tachi dori; standing; mansion.
Tachidori: get the saber. Method of defense against attacks with the ken.
Tachi waza: Techniques performed standing up.
Taijutsu: Body techniques. Refers usually the unarmed techniques.
Tai in henko: change the body. The first exercise that is practiced in a class where you learn to rotate the body so as to face the same direction as the hand grabbing uke (katate dori).
Taisabaki: rotate the body to prevent an attack.
Takemusu Aiki: Aiki giving birth to the martial techniques.
Tanken: dagger, small sword, synonymous for tanto.
Te: hand.
Ten: heaven. Tenchi: sky-earth projection.
Toma: long distance
Tori / dori: to grab; to take.
Tori: the one who performs the technique, nage.
Tsuka: the handle of the bokken / katana.
Tsuki: jab, thrust
Uchi: inside, beat, cut.
Uchideshi: resident student.
Uchikomi: take a step and cut.
Uchitachi: one who attacks with weapons.
Ude: arm.
Ude osae: control the arm (ikkyo).
Uke: the receiving technique. The person that is projected.
Ukemi: to receive with the body, fall, technical fall without getting hurt, or a technique to escape by throwing himself away.
Uketachi: one that defends with weapons.
Ushiro: back.
Waki no kamae, wakigamae: ken position with the ken in a low position besides the body, with the tip to the back. This position is used in the third suburi of Aikiken and at the end of hasso gaeshi ushiro barai of Aikijo.
Waza: technique (s).
Yame!: stop!
Yokomen: lateral.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu: greetings, greetings.
Yudansha: higher grades; black belts.
Zengo giri: cut to the front and back. Exercise with ken.
Zoori: slippers. In aikido slippers should be the type of flip-flops and secured to the foot by a strap of material passing between the toes. In the event of combat, this type of thongs must cling to the feet.